I Am or My Dependent Is Gaining or Losing Coverage Under Another Plan
The Basics
If you or your dependent gain or lose coverage under another employer sponsored plan, you may add or cancel coverage under Powell’s benefit plans within thirty-one (31) days of the life event effective date. Please be aware that adjusting dependents beyond thirty-one (31) calendar days will require the completion of a Health Statement and an approval from Sun Life’ Medical Underwriting.
Get Your Documents Ready
If you or your dependent are gaining or losing alternate coverage, you may have to show documentation to support this change. This documentation can range from a Member Change Request Form or proof of additional coverage. The Member Change Request Form can be found here, under the Enrollment section.
Initiate your Life Event Request in Benefits Self Service
To initiate your Life Event request in Oracle start by logging into powellbenefits.com.
Click on HCM -> Employee Self Service -> CDN.
Next, click on “Benefits Self Service” and then on “Start Benefit Election Change”.